
Connecting Youth Through the Power of Correspondence.

The Art2Heart Foundation values and understands the importance of anonymity. All participants’ information will remain strictly confidential and will not be shared with any other program members other than their pen pal.

We will be providing a Google Form to participants: all that is required is your name and basic interests. Personal information such as school, grade, and age is optional. Once the sign-up period has closed, the executive team will be hand-matching individuals based on their interests. Note that there will be the option of participating in this activity as a one-way exchange or as continued correspondence.

IMPORTANT: The Art2Heart Foundation will not provide materials to participants to reduce transmission risks if we were to provide said items. Nonetheless, this program requires minimal financial expenditures. Provided below is a list of basic items needed to participate and their average costs. 

  1. Single envelope - $0.60 OR 10-pack of envelopes - $6.00

  2. Stamp - $1.00

Program Timeline

February 1st, 2021

Program registration opens.

February 5th, 2021

Program registration closes.

February 7th, 2021

Pen pal matches made by the executive team.

February 14th, 2021

Deadline for participants to
mail their letters.

February 28th, 2021

Expected date for all participants to receive their letters.