Meet our Executive team.

Meet the Team

  • Emma Zhao - President

    Hi! My name is Emma and I am a grade 11 student at Elgin Park Secondary! I am so excited to work with the new executive team for the following school year. I hope that through A2H I can spread my love for art to help out our community through multiple facets of their lives.

  • Austin Liu - Vice President + Design Director

    Hi! My name Austin Liu and I am driven Grade 11 student at St. George's School passionate about arts and design. To me, design is a way of empathy: the ability to walk the way others do by noticing, recognizing, and, thus, understanding. I dedicate a lot of my spare time to fitness, advocacy, and exploring unfamiliar visual art mediums.

  • Haley Dokgo - Event planner

    Hi everyone! I’m Haley, a grade 10 student at Grandview Heights Secondary and your event planner of Art2Heart 2024! I love fashion, sewing, and playing cello and I’m currently designing my own fashion collection! I’m so honoured to be a part of Art2Aid and super excited to work with everyone!

  • Sunmeet Tut - Event Planner

    Hello! I’m Sunmeet and currently in grade 11 at Ecole Salish Secondary. I absolutely love anything about art, but I’m mostly interested in filmmaking, illustration, and graphic design. My other interests include cooking, listening to music, and scrapbooking! I’m super grateful to be an event planner at Art2Heart and am excited to create new connections, experiences, and some radical events <333

  • Dilreet Kooner - Finance Director

    Hi! I'm Dilreet and I am the finance director for Art2Heart. I am going into grade 10 at Semiahmoo Secondary. Outside of rewatching old movies and taking naps, I am passionate about the worlds of the liberal arts, model UN, and STEM. I am excited to work with the organization and contribute to its mission!

  • Derek Nguyen - Marketing Director

    Hey, My name's Derek and currently in grade 11 at Fraser Heights Secondary. I like volunteering and meeting new people at events. Afterschool, I'll usually just be playing games or studying. I also like to bake and going out on walks at night, since I hate being healthy and sleeping. I'm super excited to be the marketing exec at Art2Heart, and ill look forward to seeing everyone at events!

  • Crystal Li - Creative communications director

    Hello! My name Crystal Li, I am 15 years old, and a current grade 10 student at R.E. Mountain Secondary. Some of my hobbies include cooking, painting, and reading. I can not wait to work with the Art2Heart team to make a tangible change in the world. 💕

  • Jenny ye - Ambassador coordinator

    Hi, my name’s Jenny and I’m going to be a grade 11 student at North Surrey Secondary next school year. In my free time I enjoy crocheting, painting, listening to music and hanging out with my friends. I’m so excited to work with everyone and be apart of the team!!