Annual Art Contest 2021

Thank you to everyone who participated in our annual art contest! We received entries from over 15 cities in three countries: it goes without saying that the executive team had an immensely difficult time deciding winners. Congratulations to all!

Visual Arts - Winners

Hubert_Forrest_VisualArts - Forrest.jfif

First Place

Forrest Hubert, 17 (Wilmington, Delaware)
Blooming, to me, is about growth. The word reminds me of springtime when buds bloom on the trees and children's hearts bloom as the weather warms and the doors to the outside are flung open. I picture smiles on faces, lilting birdsong in the air, and petals growing pink as they grow tall and strong. In my mind, the most meaningful way that a flower can unfurl is when a person breaks free from the barriers that hold them back and dethaw in the sunlight like frost at dawn.


Second Place

Gracy Gandhi, 17 (Surrey, British Columbia)
My goal with this piece was to represent the changes I’ve under-went, throughout my time in high-school. The flowers below and in my hair are to represent growth, while the wings depict my efforts to spread my wings and venture beyond my comfort-zone. The vines on my neck however, contradict this as it shows how I tend to hold myself back, but I’m working on it!

Maria [USE THIS ONE].png

Third Place

Maria Contreras, 19 (Dallas, Texas)
This piece represents my love for my mom. I created this piece with the intention of bringing comfort and warmth.


Performing Arts - Winners


First Place

Catherine Tao, 17 (Ottawa, Ontario)
One morning, when the birds are singing, and the flowers receive their call to start blooming, we know that spring is finally here.

Bloom Don't Gloom.png

Second Place

Myra Gill, 19 (Surrey, British Columbia)
It’s a poem written in a tumultuous time of figuring out what you wish to be after high school, inspired by your parents but never limited.


Third Place

Samreet Grewal, 17 (Surrey, British Columbia)
It’s a poem that goes through every stage of life wanting to do everything in a way that you have no regrets later in life and appreciating every single age for the blessings it brings.


Photography - Winners

Pi_Tina_Photography - Tina Pi.jpg

First Place

Tina Pi, 18 (Surrey, British Columbia)
A new branch ignites the start of a blooming season.

Lau_Joyce_Photography - Joyce Lau.JPG
Bejar_Flor_Photography - kuroneko.jpg

Second Place

“Raven” (Dallas, Texas)
I call this photo rainy spring.

Third Place

Anonymous (Ottawa, Ontario)